OMG, stillin....
If she thinks it is unrealistic in real life, does she think it is crazy to see those?
the first thing i saw when i went in was the two video screens having the watchtower singers chorus doing a number.
the sound wasn't up enough to make out the song, but the video was grotesque.
the singers were swaying to the music, all independent of each other, no discipline, actually sloppy-looking.
OMG, stillin....
If she thinks it is unrealistic in real life, does she think it is crazy to see those?
Pretty funny you two! The closer to the truth, the funnier it gets!
growing up as a jw, i always thought the ancients were scientific morons who knew next to nothing.
ashamedly, i used to run around citing isaiah 40:22 as proof of the bible's 'divine authorship' because it talked about "the circle of the earth".
as though this were somehow an unknowable before spaceflight.
You know, I never thought about this fact before.... because we have computers, books, knowledge from others handed to us on a plate when we attend school....
If we lived in the "ancient world", spent time outside at night, looked at the moon, saw it's shadows grow across it night after night, we would realize the moon was a sphere, and could easily make the connection that the earth was also.
wbbr-am: a “pioneering” radio experiment by the watch tower .
introduction to main article.
Thanks Andersons for putting that wealth of historial data together. The WT always has their slant put on history, how else would we know the reality of it all without such dedicated historians?
Thank you!
fyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
Thank you Smiddy, You are absolutely right! There are so many sides to the WT I forgot.... they are the most voracious "law users" around.
Yes, very true, if we had gone to the DA, it may have prevented others from being taken advantage of. The well practiced WT screws with peoples brains royally.
BUT, we are both now out! YAY!
fyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
**Correction: The reason my husband did not take the brother to court was NOT because of "dirtying Jeh's name"... It was a scriptural reason: "do not take your brother to court". He actually went to the Distirct Attorney, and told him about the case, the DA wanted to prosecute, but becaue of the scripture "do not take your brother to court", we did not press charges.
fyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
If these girls were molested, and apparently they felt that they were, I still support them for coming forward.
I have met many people who have to deal with the aftermath of feelings that child sex abuse brings on you. I personally would rather confront the person, and do my best to have him exposed to prevent others from falling in harms way.
I have been robbed by a "brother", lied to by the committe of three, and I was the one with PTS for over a year afterwards when "the robber" was not accused of anything. That does not mean he did not steal from me. He simply was not DF'd, reproved, or anything. We did not go to "the authorities" because my husband was an elder, and he did not want to dirty "Jehovah's name." Post Traumatic Stress is hard to deal with. I eventually overcame that, but would not want anyone to suffer with it's atrocities.
OJ Simpson was not found guilty of murder in the very sad trial he had the first time, but was found guilty of murder in the civil trial that followed.
Justice is very elusive. I feel for any who have had to feel the weight of injustice, and are not allowed to "come forward."
If this man has done no wrong, it shows further the terrible injustice the WT sets up for people. There is no justice with the WT.
please read.
last weekend, trouw, a dutch newspaper, published several articles on sexual abuse within the jehovah's witnesses organization.
this church organization attempts to resolve abuse internally without going to the police or courts.. so therefore i made this petition to ask the dutch parliament to start an investigation.
Great list, I like # 2... It addresses a very deep root of the problem.
2. This religious freedom should not be used as a means of denying justice to victims
For as much as a JW will want to deny this, many are DFd for *'reporting to the police'
*testifying against the WT ("speaking abusively of the glorious ones", yes, my husband was DFd for that)
*DF'd for talking about their abuse, or exposing the abuser (THAT is defitinitely "way worse than" being the pedophile)
*threatened with losing family and friends if they "leave the organization" even if due to trauma or disappointment or people lying to them.
My heart goes out to all abuse victims.
i'm just curious with all the happy clapping that is now going on with the singing at the conventions.
what has been the reaction to it with the r&f.
has anyone ever commented that it reminded them of a pentecostal revival meeting.
My husband and I agree, it is like a frog getting boiled. They thought of how to do this 20 or 30 years ago, and slowly turned up the heat.
i'm just curious with all the happy clapping that is now going on with the singing at the conventions.
what has been the reaction to it with the r&f.
has anyone ever commented that it reminded them of a pentecostal revival meeting.
I do not go anymore, but right before I left, whenever a brother would say "Don't we Loooooooove this new light?" and everyone clapped.... reminded me of a bunch of penguins.